Intelligence for Businesses

Through its research and data collection solutions, Fundamento Análises brings reliable information about markets and people and produces insights to support our clients’ business decisions.

We support companies at every stage, from planning to analyzing results, with advanced methodologies and tools such as Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning.



Based on a customized strategy, we offer quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, focus groups, opinion and image audits, sector scenarios and social network monitoring, stakeholder and public policy mapping, among others. Today, several projects already incorporate new BI, AI and machine learning technologies.

Sector scenarios

Gathering and analyzing all the information necessary for an in-depth understanding of a given sector. After the analysis, your company receives a complete overview, containing history, trend diagnosis, relevant facts, stakeholders, risks and conclusions.

Stakeholder mapping and relationship mapping

Research and identification of the representatives and influencers that make up the publics directly related to the company or organization’s activities, the stakeholders. It also maps the connections between these stakeholders to create a relationship matrix, with the aim of improving Public Relations strategies.

Radar 4.0 – Monitoring and analysis of press exposure

Methodology for monitoring and analyzing press exposure, supported by advanced Artificial Intelligence tools. It captures more than two million different sources, including print, online, radio and TV outlets in Brazil and Latin America. The results generate dashboards and reports with metrics, considering visibility criteria and content qualification.

Radar Social Listening – Social network monitoring and analysis

Methodology for real-time monitoring of brands, companies and organizations on the main social networks. It provides dashboards and detailed reports with more than 10 variables, including classification of posts by sentiment, identification of influencers and detractors and personalized segmentation. It also enables monitoring of company profiles and direct interaction with users.

Risk and crisis monitoring

Monitoring of sensitive and critical issues in the press and social networks, with real-time alerts, to help identify crises, threats and vulnerabilities. Fundamento Análises offers support from the pre-crisis to the post-crisis phase, providing agile analytical reports to enable rapid action and mitigation of damage to the company’s reputation and business.


Qualitative and quantitative research

Qualitative research is used to understand respondents’ individual motivations and preferences on specific topics. They are mainly based on in-depth interviews conducted individually.

Quantitative research is useful when you want to collect concrete facts and translate them into statistically valid figures.

Focus groups

A qualitative research technique that allows attitudes and feelings to be assessed in moderated discussion groups. It provides quick results and can serve as a facilitator or complement to an extended study base, such as the Sector Scenario.

Measuring reputation

Systematic analysis and measurement methodology, with 15 different variables, to assess the impact of a company or organization’s communication actions, generating a reputation index. With the support of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tools, it is customized for each client. It offers real-time access to data via a dashboard and issues a monthly report with an analysis of the indicators and recommendations.

Thematic reports

Preparation of specific analyses on the topic of interest to the company or organization, tailor-made to present and highlight the most relevant information, history, trends, risks, influencers and other useful insights for decision-making.

Learn more about our Fundamento PR and Fundamento Marketing solutions.

Fundamento Grupo de Comunicação

Fundamento Grupo de Comunicação is a pioneer in the market for integrating performance, digital authority and corporate reputation in a single agency.
Our team is made up of multidisciplinary talents and specialized brands: Marketing, PR, Analysis and Studio.
With a strong innovative culture, we have developed our own methodology, based on Agile principles. We focus on our clients’ business objectives to set concrete goals and measurable results, using OKRs as a guide.

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Gain valuable insights to boost your business

Based on a customized strategy, we offer quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, focus groups, opinion and image audits, sector scenarios, image audits, social media monitoring, stakeholder and public policy mapping, among others.

Get to know our work

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To assess the level of customer satisfaction of the Águas Cuiabá concession, considering Ominichannel interactions and statistical validity for the region’s target audience.

A quantitative survey of 2,151 customers of the Águas Cuiabá concession, using a structured questionnaire and telephone and e-mail interviews.

In addition to complying with the regulatory agency’s guidelines for the concession, the survey allowed the company to assess the quality of service in the various customer contact channels, helping to plan improvements and new procedures demanded by the pandemic.


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Survey and open relationships with stakeholders in Latin America who could support the introduction and expansion of the Novartis Access program, which aims to provide access to medicines for underserved populations in the region.

Mapping of strategic stakeholders among NGOs, authorities, doctors, entities and influencers, including profile, background, area of influence and synergy with the program. Stakeholders were identified and contacted in the countries required by the stage of the project: Paraguay, Bolivia, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Opening up relationships with key stakeholders for Novartis Access in Latin America, enabling the identification of new partners and engaging regional influencers.

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To assess the reputation of INTERFARMA, an industry organization that has been active for 30 years and represents national and foreign companies and researchers responsible for health innovation in Brazil. Its members have accounted for at least half of the pharmaceutical market in the country for at least 10 years, accounting for more than 50% of turnover.

Reputation research with in-depth interviews with 62 stakeholders defined by INTERFARMA, including high-ranking authorities, parliamentarians, former ministers, regulatory agencies, journalists, researchers and doctors. Given the sensitive nature of the topic and the qualifications of the interviewees, the project included the allocation of an exclusive secretariat for scheduling and qualified researchers from Fundamento Análises based in São Paulo and Brasília.

The information obtained, presented in the form of an in-depth analytical report, enabled INTERFARMA to validate the results of the communication and positioning planning carried out in recent years, as well as providing important elements for the planning of the new management that took over at the time.

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To identify elements that would allow us to develop solutions to increase the engagement and loyalty of some of Sistema Etapa’s largest clients, listed among the most relevant and significant educational establishments in the country.

Qualitative research in the form of an opinion audit, with 18 in-depth interviews with principals, maintainers and school managers, among the most representative clients indicated by the Etapa System.

With the results, presented in the form of an in-depth analytical report, Sistema Etapa can develop new relationship and engagement strategies, as well as identifying strengths linked to its image that are relevant to business planning as a whole.

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To assess the presence and influence of three myths in the agricultural sector, relating to pesticides, in the Brazilian media, involving specialized and national vehicles.

Comparative analysis of exposure in the press, involving the identification, classification and evaluation of more than 1,500 articles published in the period requested by Andef and in vehicles considered relevant by the organization, where the three myths pointed out were present. The analytical report considered criteria such as presence in the press, favorability and influencers.

The results provided the basis for Andef’s communication planning, not only to correct any remaining misconceptions, but also to bring it closer to favorable stakeholders, achieving the sector’s image and relationship objectives.

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Identify new niche opportunities for brand positioning in the products’ target markets.

Qualitative research, through an opinion audit with consumers. Interview with 144 consumers about facial aesthetic treatments, including not only the perception of the Merz brand, but also of its main competitors.

The results allowed Merz to visualize the main attributes valued by customers and the positioning of competitors, as well as indicating areas of opportunity to work on brand communication.

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To develop specialized content covering the main data on the pet sector, providing a reference for members, journalists and the general public.

Sector scenario, with research, analysis and compilation of data from different sources, including Comac’s proprietary studies. The final content was presented in a publication with a special graphic design by Fundamento Studio for quick and efficient data visualization and location.

Widely disseminated in the press and through Comac’s community channels with members and the general public, the publication is a reference for anyone looking for reliable and organized data on the companion animal sector in Brazil.

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To evaluate the role and impact of the European Union’s investments in Research and Development in the area of neglected diseases, carried out with the aim of improving the health of the population in low- and middle-income countries.

Qualitative research, with in-depth interviews with 15 senior experts in Brazil related to research funded by European capital.

The results, presented in an analytical report, indicated trends and perceptions that provided the European Commission with more information to manage investment policy in this sector in the country.

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Ascertaining the perceptions of Brazilian opinion leaders on innovation and intellectual property

Qualitative research, with in-depth interviews with 17 experts, selected from among the most influential on the subject in the country.

The results, presented in the form of an analytical report, provided strategic insights for a global study, linked to the publication of the High Level Panel on Access to Medicines of the Secretary General of the United Nations.

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To assess the reputation of the Chamber of Electricity Trading among its main stakeholders.

Combined qualitative and quantitative research methodology, with 53 in-depth interviews and the application of structured questionnaires to 198 respondents, all selected from among the most relevant stakeholders in the electricity sector,

The results helped the organization identify the relevance of its role in the electricity sector and add the insights to its strategic positioning plan.

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To assess the image, level of knowledge about the work and relevance of government relations professionals among stakeholders in the business sector.

Qualitative research, with in-depth interviews with 71 senior executives in large companies.

The results, presented in an analytical report, provided important insights into the role of government relations professionals and also had a wide repercussion in the media, helping to position the organization as a source of relevant content on the segment.

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To understand the trends and impacts for the Oil & Gas sector after the 2018 presidential election, considering political, economic and social factors.

A sector scenario that addressed the main political, economic and sectoral trends in Oil & Gas, at national and state level, after the elections, with a focus on five priority states for the company, where Brazil’s largest oil reserves and operations are located.

The insights and trends obtained from the sector scenario prepared by Fundamento Análises allowed Wintershall to evaluate possible scenarios for the sector after the elections, directing institutional relationship and business strategies in Brazil.

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Identifying and opening up relationships with Non-Governmental Organizations, assessing their potential and interest in forming future partnerships with The Gardener Institute, an entity created by the company to support social and sustainable projects.

Stakeholder mapping, identifying the 50 most relevant NGOs in four areas determined by The Gardener Institute: animal protection/adoption, recycling and correct disposal of waste, water resources (pollution, availability of drinking water) and citizen attitudes (solidarity actions, empowerment and self-esteem, community improvements and insertion of young people into the professional environment).

The final result allowed Skala to select partners with the greatest affinity with the areas of activity, with the aim of supporting projects with a real positive impact on society.


Always willing to help with our needs, Fundamento was and is an important part of Braile's modernization and growth. It's been a successful partnership for 2 years and we have many more to come!

Carla Danielian
Marketing Analyst

At Mölnlycke, we understand ourselves in a competitive and ever-changing market, which is why we recognize the crucial importance of effective and assertive communication. It is for these reasons that we greatly value partners like Fundamento, who throughout our partnership have managed to build an excellent relationship, aligned with our purposes, values and objectives. We sincerely thank you for your continued collaboration and mutual support.

Fernando Buffulin
Latam Marketing Manager at Mölnlycke Brazil

For us at the Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal Foundation, it is very important that our suppliers are connected to the cause of early childhood. And Fundamento is not only connected, it is at the forefront of one of our main objectives, which is to strengthen society's understanding of the impact of early childhood experiences. Having a rigorous, committed and sensitive agency makes all the difference in communicating a cause that transforms the lives of our children and, consequently, society as a whole.

Paula Perim
Communications Director at the Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal Foundation

We have already had the opportunity to work with Fundamento on different projects, some of which are still ongoing.
The Fundamento team has been professional, agile and proactive, dedicated to the partnership and committed to the results. The experience has been very positive!

Patrícia B. de Carvalho
IFC Communications Officer - Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay

Gilead and Fundamento have been working together for years, and our partnership and cohesion in the way we work, exchange of ideas, commitment and mutual respect have brought tangible results for both sides.
Here, we have had strong and constant media penetration, with the dissemination of valuable materials that generate awareness and credibility for the company. Another important line of joint work is special projects, which also give us a lot of satisfaction. Our relationship of trust is something I'm very proud of.

Marília Casseb
Director of External Affairs at Gilead Sciences Brazil

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